London Philharmonic Orchestra (HMV DB 2181-2184)

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Data of the recording

Composer: Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Work: Concerto in A minor (op.54)
Genre: Concerto (Concert for piano and orchestra)
Label: HMV
Label code: LC 00233
Catalogue number: DB 2181-2184
Matrix numbers: 32-4426 (No.1); 32-4427 (No.2); 32-4428 (No.3); 32-4429 (No.4); 32-4430 (No.5); 32-4431 (No.6); 32-4432 (No.7); 32-4433 (No.8)
Coupling date: 1927
Format: 78 rpm record (double sided, 12")
Running time: -
Recording date(s): 22 June 1927
Recording location: London (United Kingdom)
Release date: 1927
First publication: 1927
Comments: incomplete -

Performance credits

Performer: The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Pianist: Alfred Cortot (1877-1962)
Conductor: Sir Landon Ronald (1873-1938)

Contents of the phonogram

Disc 01 (DB 2181)

01. No.1: 1st Movement: Allegro affettuoso (Part 1) (32-4426)
02. No.2: 1st Movement: Allegro affettuoso - Andante espressivo - Allegro (Tempo 1) (Part 2) (32-4427)

Disc 02 (DB 2182)

01. No.3: 1st Movement: Allegro affettuoso (Part 3) (32-4428)
02. No.4: 1st Movement: Cadenza & Allegro molto (Part 4) (32-4429)

Disc 03 (DB 2183)

01. No.5: 2nd Movement: Intermezzo - Andante grazioso (Part 1) (32-4430)
02. No.6: 2nd Movement: Intermezzo - Andantino grazioso; 3rd Movement: Allegro vivace (Part 1) (32-4431)

Disc 04 (DB 2184)

01. No.7: 3rd Movement: Allegro vivace (Part 2) (32-4432)
02. No.8: 3rd Movement: Allegro vivace (Part 3) (32-4433)

End of the Copyright protection

Contents of the phonogram

Expiration of the related rights: 1977
Expiration of the producers rights: 1977
Public Domain: December 31, 1977

Matrix 32-4426/32-4433

50 years after the first publication: 1977
After the death of the performer (1962), but not before the expiration of the term of copyright: 1977
70 years after the composer's death: 1856

Audio Download

Format Quality Matrix 32-4426 Matrix 32-4427 Matrix 32-4428 Matrix 32-4429 Matrix 32-4430 Matrix 32-4431 Matrix 32-4432 Matrix 32-4433
Flac 16-bit/192 kHz No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8
Ogg 16-bit/192 kHz No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 No.8